What is Investor Relations?

What is Investor Relations

No matter the size of the company, investor relations (IR) should be a key component of conducting business. It’s never too early to implement a solid investor relations approach, but if your company has never tackled this issue, the term may seem confusing. Understanding what investor relations entail will allow your company to begin implementing strategies that will help your company succeed. 


Simply put, investor relations provide all investors with accurate information about the company. IR plays a key role in communication between investors and company executives. Rather than shareholders contacting the company’s CEO or other executives directly, the IR department acts as an intermediary, determining when it is important to involve the CEO.  If company executives were continually contacted by investors with requests, they would have to devote their already limited time to manage these requests. However, it is also up to IR teams to still ensure that company executives are still available for shareholders, so they must find a balance that works best. 


IR departments also have a responsibility to ensure that the company is compliant when reporting to investors. For public companies, the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act, passed by the US government in 2002, increased reporting requirements and set standards for companies to follow. With the bill in place, IR departments are required to distribute financial information to investors accurately. For private companies, ensuring they are meeting compliance early will save them time if they were to go public. The transparency increases confidence in the company for investors and ensures that the business is being run the right way. 


As a key line of communication between the company and investors, investor relations departments are typically responsible for communicating any changes or initiatives that the company will be undergoing. Being included in discussions with the executive team will help the IR team understand why decisions are being made so that they can communicate the reasoning effectively with investors. 


For private companies, software such as KoreConX’s all-in-one platform can help easily manage relationships with their shareholders. The KoreConX IR feature allows companies to work seamlessly with investors by providing them online opportunities to vote and access company financial information and news releases. By giving investors a secure platform on which they can both nominate and vote on company matters, they can feel confident in the way voting is held. Additionally, the investor relations feature allows the company to easily organize meetings with its investors. 


By maintaining transparent investor relations, private companies can prepare themselves for success. Keeping investors up to date on important company information allows them to have confidence in the company’s leadership and their investment. Having a track record of good relationships and transparency with current investors may also be beneficial when it comes to raising future capital, as it could help to attract potential ones